
Katy Perry

Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) Lyrics: There's a stranger in my bed / There's a pounding in my head / Glitter all over the room / Pink flamingos in the pool ...

Katy Perry凱蒂佩芮

2011年6月18日 — T.G.I.F. T.G.I.F. T.G.I.F. Thanks God! It's Friday. Last Friday night 上個周末夜晚. Yeah, we danced on tabletops 耶我們跳 ...

Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) is a song by American singer Katy Perry from her third studio album, Teenage Dream. The song was produced by Dr. Luke and Max ...

Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

作詞: 作曲:. There's a stranger in my bed, There's a pounding in my head. Glitter all over the room. Pink flamingos in the pool. I smell like a minibar


《惡搞週末》(英語:Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)),是美國女歌手凱蒂·佩芮的一首歌曲,收錄於她的第三張錄音室專輯《花漾年華》中,佩芮稱自己在晚上開狂野派對和 ...


LastFridayNight(T.G.I.F.)Lyrics:There'sastrangerinmybed/There'sapoundinginmyhead/Glitterallovertheroom/Pinkflamingosinthepool ...,2011年6月18日—T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.ThanksGod!It'sFriday.LastFridaynight上個周末夜晚.Yeah,wedancedontabletops耶我們跳 ...,,LastFridayNight(T.G.I.F.)isasongbyAmericansingerKatyPerryfromherthirdstudioalbum,TeenageDream.ThesongwasproducedbyDr.LukeandMax ...,作詞:作...